Welcome to Our Website

This website is about Sri-Lankan Americans, who are naturalized citizens of the US, or those born to them in the US Sri-Lankans are a multi-ethnic, diverse group of people-Singhalese, Tamils, Moors (Muslims), Burghers, and other of various religious denominations- Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians living together for many centuries.

Vision Statement:
The Unifying voice between President Obama, Sri-Lankan Americans, and the people of Sri- Lanka.

Mission Statement:
The Sri-Lankan Americans for President Obama seeks to foster a spirit of cooperation and harmony among all the people of the United States and the people of Sri-Lanka. We embrace the ideals of love, brotherhood, and non-violence to benefit the US and to free our brothers and sisters in Sri-Lanka from the vicious cycle of hate, bigotry, and extremism. We enlist educational and religious leaders to propagate social justice and peace. Finally, we a factual resource for accurate, unbiased information on the current situation in Sri-Lanka, and dedicated to the principles of the Rule of Law, Transparency, and Accountability.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Commemorating 2600 years of Buddhism.

The 2600th anniversay of the Lord Buddha's attainment of enlightment falls on the full moon day of May, 2011 .Although the annual celebration of Vesak, the most sacrted day in the Buddhist calendar commemarating the three-fold coincidence of the birth, attainment of enlightment and the passing away of Gauthama Buddha falls on this day,this year it is uniquly signifcant as it is also the 2600th year of his enlightment.In this era where the world is confronted with many conflicts and natural and man-made calamities , the Buddhist Doctrine of non-violence ,understanding,compassion and peace holds hope for humanity. The United Nations, by General Assembly Resolution 54/115 of 2000 , officially recognized the International Day of Vesak .This day is commemorated annually at the UN Headquaters and its worldwide offices ,the unique feature being that each year a different Permanant Mission to the UN hosts the event,complete with religious and cultural events,with the cooperation of other Member States. This year, the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in New York is honored to host the commemorative events for Day of Enlightment and the Day of Vesak. On 16th May 2011,the commemoration commences at 7.30 a.m. with an offering of Alms to 150 Buddhist monks from all over the world at the Dag Hammarskjold Park, opposite to the UN headquarters.A session of the UN General Assembly will then be convened at the UN General Assembly on the significance of the event ,followed by an interfaith dialogue.Dignitaries invited include, the Secretary General,The President of the General Assembly and all the Permanent Representatives of Member States.Buddhist Scholars and Monks of various nationalities are expected to attend ,as well as religious leaders of other world religions. From May 21st to May 27th Traditional Buddhist arts and artefacts from various countries will be on display at the Lobby to the UN General Aeeembly. On 21st May 2011,a Buddhist Procession depicting tradional and Buddhist dances will take place from 57th to 47th street along 2nd Avenue and end at the Dag Hammerarskjold Park,which will be followed by a tradional food festival. All are invited to participate in all these events.For further information please contact the Permanent Mission to The UN, in New York and the Buddhist Temple in Queens ,NY.