Welcome to Our Website

This website is about Sri-Lankan Americans, who are naturalized citizens of the US, or those born to them in the US Sri-Lankans are a multi-ethnic, diverse group of people-Singhalese, Tamils, Moors (Muslims), Burghers, and other of various religious denominations- Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Christians living together for many centuries.

Vision Statement:
The Unifying voice between President Obama, Sri-Lankan Americans, and the people of Sri- Lanka.

Mission Statement:
The Sri-Lankan Americans for President Obama seeks to foster a spirit of cooperation and harmony among all the people of the United States and the people of Sri-Lanka. We embrace the ideals of love, brotherhood, and non-violence to benefit the US and to free our brothers and sisters in Sri-Lanka from the vicious cycle of hate, bigotry, and extremism. We enlist educational and religious leaders to propagate social justice and peace. Finally, we a factual resource for accurate, unbiased information on the current situation in Sri-Lanka, and dedicated to the principles of the Rule of Law, Transparency, and Accountability.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Human Rights Commmission - Amnesty

It was pretty apparent that the free world has spoken and given Sri Lanka a clean bill of health. The free world spoke and the majority spoke for Sri Lanka. But the Colonial Powers, about 17 of them do not seem to get it! The bellicose cries of Genocide, Internment Camps, Concentration camps, and blood baths were the words used by the Colonial Powers and their Cronies the Human Rights Watch and the Amnesty International.